Sunday, March 18, 2012

god given

God so loved the world that he gave us - something beyond ourselves - something we don't have, something we need. This oft-quoted verse is an exclusive declaration which seems to promote a tome of helplessness and removal. I have a hard time subscribing to it because I know there's something more.

For god so loved the world that he gave us - something with true power - something within ourselves. He gave us light and life; bringing tangible stardust to manifest in the birth of creation. We are truly given an all-together-now vesture of grace to enable life.

Yes we were given a precious life, but it is up to us. It is we who give the eternal life now. In revealing our salvation, in our hopes and dreams, we bring light and life to the world. This is why we are here. For we are made by and for the divine and we are given for the spirit of life.

We can affirm this inheritance, claiming the presence of our relationship as sons and daughters of creation. Or shall we let love wither, disowning and condemning the world? In a way, this is what Jesus asks in today's gospel: Do we remember what we are entrusted with? Can you believe that you make a difference
and give life to the world?

As a volunteer for HeadCount, I endeavor to register voters, not for any party, not for any cause, but so each and every one of us can make a difference. Yet, I am so often dismayed with the disaffected. Those who deny their authority, who cling to a perverse selfishness. They skulk in the shadows of their "I do not matter," asserting there is inconsequence of their acedia.

But ennui is the darkness Christ warns us of. A careless evil inflicted by averted eyes. No light shines from this empty hope. Mine is neither optimism nor pessimism, it is simply conviction of life; a life given to us to fully and freely live.

But the disaffected say, "I am but one, what can I do? Does it really matter if I remain on the side?" The choice to say yes or no is our freedom to belong to life. The indecisive have no place to stand. How can you love if you don't participate. Apathy has no voice but is a smug defiance of our inherent power. Can the mute dare share in the success of hope?

You are the one life is challenging to do something - for someone - be it yourself or another. You have it within you. You don't need to look for it somewhere else. Give your god-given being to light the world, for god so made the world for love and this love will make a difference.

love, always,

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